Ionic Air Purifier (DP-3D6)

This product electrifies the air with negatively charged ions that are invisible which are created naturally in abundance in certain environments. The product doesn't use any chemicals so it is not harmful to humans or pets.

  1. >1.236mil Single/C.C
  2. Plug-In
  3. Yellow
  4. Indoor

Portable Anion Air Purifier (UP-3E11)

The Portable Anion Air Purifier electrifies the air with negatively charged ions that are invisible which are created naturally in abundance in certain environments. It has rechargeable batteries that can hold a charge and last up to 30 hours of continuous use.

  1. >1.236mil Single/C.C
  2. AC/DC Adapters
  3. AA Rechargeable
  4. Indoor