Portable Mini UVC Sanitizer LED Light (DP-3R1)

This product uses UVC air cleaning technology to effectively reduce allergies, bacteria & viruses.

  1. 4inch (10cm)
  2. DC 5V USB
  3. UVC
  4. Portable

Car Air Purifier UVC Sanitization (DP-3E2)

This product uses UVC air cleaning technology to effectively reduce allergies, bacteria & viruses.

  1. Black
  2. DC Cigarette Plug
  3. UVC
  4. Portable

Classic UVC Air Cleaner Sanitizer (DP-3111)

This product uses UVC air cleaning technology to effectively reduce allergies, bacteria & viruses.

  1. 30 m²
  2. Plug-n-play
  3. UVC
  4. Indoor
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