Classic Bird Repeller (UP-161)

The Classic Bird Repeller is an all-rounder all in one device that repels rodents, animals and birds from the protected area. It uses adjustable Ultrasonic, Alarm and Light technology to repel the creatures.

  1. 25 m²
  2. 3 Modes
  3. AC Adapter / Battery
  4. Water Resistant

IoT Farm Guard Pro (UP-166)

The IoT Farm Guard Pro unit comes with a switch of low and high-frequency settings to allow you to find the best ultrasonic frequency that is suited to your needs. With an adjustable knob for the volume in dB could allow you to adjust how loud you would like the speakers to go. The louder the further the protective distance is.

  1. 4000 m²
  2. Ultrasonic Vibration
  3. AC Adapter / Battery
  4. Water Resistant

Intelligent Watching Dog (UP-45X)

The intelligent Watching Dog offers both security and welcoming sounds for your place of residence of for your work place. It works automatically by its advance sensors that can detect movement.

  1. 5 ~ 65 m²
  2. 4
  3. AC Adapter / Battery
  4. N/A

3 in 1 Bird Repeller (UP-16D)

The 3 in 1 Bird Repeller is an all-rounder all in one device that repels rodents, animals and birds from the protected area. It uses adjustable Ultrasonic, Alarm and Light technology to repel the creatures.

  1. 25 m²
  2. Ultrasonic Vibration
  3. AC/Battery Optional
  4. Water Resistant

Hi-Powered Animal Electric Fence (UP-185)

The High Powered Animal Electric Fence will be able to keep those unwanted animals that constantly come into your property and destroy your garden away.

  1. 200 m²
  2. Electric Fence
  3. AC / Solar + Battery
  4. Water Resistant
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